Thursday, July 12, 2007


Yes, it's been a while since I posted. Not because there's nothing going on, but because I haven't had enough clarity, to write what is happening around here. I've got to say, I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around this stuff.

After deciding that it's time for a change, with our schedules and priorities a few major things went down. 1) David was hit with the worst infections he's ever had. Sinusitis, tonsilitis, conjunctivitis + an ear infection and a form of dermatitis. 2) His employer decided to lay off about 1000 people and created more stress than we can remember.

The "2 months on nightshift" flu, hit him - really hard. I don't ever remember him being that sick. I believe that this is the sort of thing that happens when you put your body through this kind of stress - and confirms to me that there MUST be a change.

His job is secure (which I'm not sure was a great thing this time around), and things seem to be chilling out at his job, for now - which doesn't mean that we aren't scrambling to get him out of there.

I'm not complaining - I feel like the stress and sickness and whirlwind of the last month, has confirmed that something must change. So, that part is good. Trusting that God will take care of all the details that we can't is another thing. I do know that God is faithful, and He is good - His love endures forever... what I struggle with is all the details. Why? Has he ever left us hanging before? No. I just feel like this new phase of our lives is going to look a lot different than the last, and I would love to have a preview, but that's not really how God is operating this time around.

Here's a new picture God gave me of our current situation...
Remember the Atari game Frogger? *Insert Frogger theme here* - The Frogger game concept was this: You need to get a frog across to the other side of the street and river, while avoiding catastrophic dangers such as traffic, snakes, water, alligators, and the all important timer. With your Atari joystick in hand, you controlled the frog - and timing was key. I feel like right now, more than before, we are being called to be in-tune with how God wants us to move. It will be subtle, we're gonna have to listen for His voice, over all the distractions - "Jump ... wait... wait...ok, jump now... again.... again... wait... don't look at that giant truck coming toward you ... ok jump ... jump ... don't pay attention to the alligator... just keep your eyes over here with me... good... wait... jump, jump jump!" Once on the other side of the highway and river, we will be able to look back and see all the things God had in place to get us there, and it will be SO great. On this side of things, each leap seems like we're stepping out into nothing - we know that is where faith comes in... the good kind of sweaty, scary faith! It's SO stinkin' exciting!

My Great Grandmother, Naydeen Taylor, told stories of when her husband would come home from the mine and say something like "guess what happened at work today?" and she'd reply "you lost your job?!" (with a grin, and excitement) -
"wouldn't it be great to see what God would do?".

So, at this point, my prayer is, "bring it on, Lord - we're ready for our next move, we know that you are good and faithful, and we're ready to see what you have for us!"



Anonymous said...

I always enjoy reading your blog, and today was especially good. You are a tremendous writer, but more importantly, your faith and insights are a blessing to me.

theschramfam said...

people actually read this stuff? :) It's great to know that it is encouraging - it's amazing how composing my thoughts gives them some sort of direction. ? Love you.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, sweetie, I read it all the time. Isn't it amazing how the act of composing actually enables us to discover what we think? It's my favorite thing about writing.

Tommy said...

Thinking about your post, Jen, and the time we had tonight in prayer I come home to read this excerpt from Rick Joyner's "Word for the Week": However, the great promise in Romans 12:1-2 is that if our minds are transformed we will be able to "prove what the will of God is." There is no greater freedom than knowing we are in the will of God. This allows us to soar high above any of the conditions or problems of this world. This is how Paul and Silas soared in worship even when they were in a dungeon. No dungeon could hold their spirits. If the things of this world are still holding us down, then we have not been transformed.
That's my prayer for you guys, specifically Dave and his job, that he would KNOW the mind of Christ - that is where freedom is.